Gascogne has been created in 1925 at the heart of LES LANDES forest, one the most important forest in Europe. We have chosen Martime Pine, as our favorite wood species as it can be used for many applications.
GASCOGNE BOIS is very involved in sustainable forest management and focused on raw material supply chain to provide logs onto our several sawmills and paper industry. We mainly use our local Martime Pine Wood.
Proud of our roots and faithful to our values, GASCOGNE BOIS is always innovating in developing its products in using mainly the French wood which can comply in term of resistance, performance & aestheticism characteristics
Maritime Pine Wood
The Maritime Pine is a coniferous tree and it is the only wood species which can guarantee a knotless grade.
The Maritime Pine shows great stability and durability properties. Recognized for its mechanical performance, it is also an excellent support for Interior and Exterior decorative wood.
Pin de Gascogne Label
Gascogne Bois has created  « Pin de Gascogne » quality label.
This label can ensure and guarantee a qualitative & aesthetic wood. We carefully select the best logs coming from local forest, we continually improve our industrial process too to offer and guarantee a good stability of our solid wood products in the respect of the natural and initial properties of this wood species
GASCOGNE BOIS R&D department always develops & works in this way to obtain a qualitative and high range level product, with its natural wood characteristics preserved and optimized. We are also always monitoring design and new trends in order to forecast and offer to the market fashion products and decorative ideas.
Where to find us ?
Easy to recognize with its unmistakable logo brand clearly monitored on our packaging, you will find it for those following products ranges :
- Outdoor layout : Decking and Cladding
- Interior design : Flooring and Wood Paneling
To reach this label, products has to comply with a strict specification with compulsory requirements.
This label is made for all wood industry and offered to wood professionals. One goal : promoting the Martime Pine Wood.
French Origin