
Environmental Responsibility

We do all we can to ensure that our products are always improving in every respect: trends, ease of installation, durability and more. This passion for innovation also applies to our responsibility towards the environment. We primarily work with Landes pine from sustainably managed and cultivated forests. All of our products (offering multiple solutions for industry and home decoration) are PEFC or FSC¼ certified. With our integrated industry policy, we strive constantly towards the famous “zero loss” and use the whole of the pine.

We endeavour to leave the smallest possible carbon footprint.

Climate change is a real problem. Every year we produce more than 2,000 tons of products, and therefore consume a lot of energy. Greenhouse gas emissions are limited by our processing factories’ location at the heart of the Gascogne Landes massif.  We have also investigated a way to replace fossil fuels. We have now managed to reduce our overall energy consumption by using biomass energy.

In 2012 our carbon footprint amounted to


tons of greenhouse
gas emissions

564 tons


1229 tons


1954 tonnes


Gascogne bois, engagé dans une démarche de développement durable

We exploit, manufacture and use

our natural resources in a responsible way.

We recycle locally.

We do not waste anything and are virtually self-sufficient in terms of energy expenditure. In effect, 100% of wood materials are used or recycled as part of numerous transformation processes. We supply our wood-fired boilers with our sub-products: tree materials not used for fitting and decoration products are used by the group’s paper subsidiary. All of our factories are located at the heart of the Gascogne massif, thus significantly limiting greenhouse gas emissions from transport.